Sivius Goes Back To Its Roots

Developing great tech and building brands along the way; is a mantra that I've been uttering for a while. I created Sivius during my time working as a freelance developer when the concept of Responsive Design was all the craze and, by the fall of 2018, I ventured into the Cannabis industry.

Working in this industry I began to notice a commonality; the lack of cannabis-related information. Finding Cannabis information is hard and quite often unreliable. Therefore, I set out to change this. By combining my programming skills and passion for data I built a cannabis tracker that logs cannabis strains, genetic profiles, and potency, across Canada.

The focus of this database was to bring reliable and accurate Cannabis information to the end consumer (customer). The vision was to have Cannabis information without the marketing buzzwords.

Over the years Sivius and our database have not only grown but have also attracted a nationwide Canadian audience. Therefore, to further grow our project it was only right to give our database and our cannabis brand an official home, and thus Strainy was born. 

Introducing Strainy

Strainy is the continuation of our cannabis strain database found here on Sivius and all strains can now be found over there. Some key highlights of Strainy are:

  • Our individual strain profile breaks down THC and CBD potency, terpene profile, genetic lineage, and similar strains based on that particular strain;
  • Producers and Brands have a cumulative calculation of all their strains to form an average potency value;
  • Our Top 15 THC and CBD chart rank the highest strains by average potency. 

In the coming months, expect to see exciting new features including Total Terpene Values, Trending Strains, and User Profiles that will help you keep track of your favorite strains.

What does this mean for Sivius?

Sivius will continue to undergo a pivot through the year and our website will reflect these changes as we evolve. We will continue to focus on highlighting key metrics within our brands, developing new applications and software while building great tech and brands along our journey.

Stay tuned.

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